World Fish Migration Day 2022
You can already see new events registered in our website, like a documentary screening in Venezuela or an school coastal clean-up in Turkey. There are so many things, little or big, that can be organized on May 21st (or any other day if it suits you best, you just need to let us know in advance). You can also check the guidance attached, for ideas and tips.
This year, we understand the uncertainty situation with COVID restrictions, so, we facilitate a simple document with extra ideas of what you can organize online. If you already have the hope to participate, please let us know.
Save migratory fish: sign the global petition
We also started a Global Petition to protect migratory fish, and encourage all organizations to sign and support. Please sign the petition and help us spread it throughout your networks! If we get enough signatures, we could have the opportunity to present it at the UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15) in May in China. To view the petition and learn more click HERE.
Fish Flag art competition for children and students
This year we are launching an exciting Fish Flag Art competition with our partner Wildlife Forever! In our third year of cooperating with Wildlife Forever on a special migratory fish art award, we decided to do something different. Instead of fish drawings like in past years, children and students can submit fish flags! We hope to see submissions from thousands of young artists around the world this year, and encourage them to fly their fish flags on World Fish Migration Day! The contest will culminate in a special live event, broadcast from The Netherlands, Portugal and the USA. Learn more by going to! Check out this link for to download our promo video or take a look on youtube
If you have any questions about on how you or your organization can participate in the next World Fish Migration Day 2022 or about the Global Petition, please don’t hesitate to contact us, you can write the WFMD events coordinator Elena at [email protected]
For questions about the Fish Flag Competition you can ask Nicole at [email protected]