The Institute

We are an international organisation of people whose aim is to support and promote sustainable fisheries management for the benefit of our members, fisheries, wildlife and society.

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About the IFM

Created in 1969 the IFM is dedicated to the advancement of sustainable fisheries management. We are a non-profit organisation controlled by members and managed by a board of Trustees.

Our members come from a broad range of sectors which includes; regulatory and research bodies, fishing and angling organisations, water companies, fish farms and educational institutions. We are represented at many levels within government and conservation bodies. We have branches across the UK and Ireland and our own training/education system. We organise many events through the year, from international conferences to small branch visits.

Meet the team

Join the IFM

The Institute, in partnership with a number of other UK institutes and societies concerned with the environment, is one of the Constituent Bodies of the Society for the Environment. The Society has a Royal Charter and can award the qualification of Chartered Environmentalist. This qualification recognises responsibility for sustainable environmental management and is important for employment. Find out more about our chartered membership here. You can join the IFM through this website.

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The Business Plan

Each quarter the Institute team reviews and revises the Business Plan.

This is an important document that helps to guide the work of the IFM over the year

You can read the document and see our goals and objectives for 2024 below

IFM Business Plan 2024 V2 Aug 2024 Web

Our Strategic Plan 2020 - 2025

Over the past 53 years the Institute has had to adapt with the times to meet the requirements of our members and those with an interest in fish and fisheries, changes in society and the make-up and needs of the water industry and fisheries sector.

The Institute has developed since the last strategic plan in 2010 and we now:

  • employ two full time staff, enabling us to deliver more services and with greater professionalism
  • provide a much greater training portfolio
  • provide a specialist as well as annual conference each year
  • have changed our governance structure to deliver with greater focus and accountability

We now look forward to the next five years and this document outlines a Strategic Plan for that period, havingbeen approved by the IFM’s Council.

You can download the strategy below

IFM Strategy 2020 – 2025


Our aims

Promote, facilitate and influence the best possible standards of fisheries management across the British Isles.

Provide the technical and general knowledge necessary for competent fisheries management.

Be the organisation of choice for evidence-based advice and guidance for sustainable fisheries management.

Be the membership body of choice for fisheries managers, and to provide good value fisheries management services to members and customers of the Institute.

Our Objectives

Become a member Read our IFM Membership Rules and Codes of Professional Conduct >

Specialist Sections

The Specialist Sections of the Institute provide members with the opportunity to exchange views with other institute members on various areas of interest in fisheries, to contribute to various consultation documents and policy papers; and to participate in special conferences and workshops relevant to their interest. The Terms of Reference of the specialist sections can be found here.

Join the IFM

Membership is open to anyone with an interest in fish and fisheries, their proper management and conservation. Benefits include training and qualification opportunities, events, publications, CPD, the Chartered Environmentalist qualification (C.Env), member discounts and more......

Become a member