IFM Presentation to the Westminster Forum Projects
IFM was invited once again to talk at the Westminster Policy Forum, at its annual ‘Next Steps for Fisheries Policy in the UK’.
The Forum has its origins in Parliament, but is now a private company, organising conferences on public policy.
The Forum has substantial support and involvement from key policymakers within legislatures, governments and regulatory bodies, and from stakeholders in the professions, businesses and their advisors, consumer organisations, local government, the third sector and other interested groups.
IFM attends several of the topics each year to keep informed of, and to be able to influence, policies affecting the aquatic environment, the marine environment, fish and fisheries.
At this conference, our Chief Executive, David Bunt, presented what IFM believes to be the biggest challenges facing fisheries in the UK and our proposed solution.
The agenda, the talks and David slides can be seen below …