The latest National Angling Strategy annual report for 2022 to 2023 has just been published. The report highlights some of the sterling work carried out by the fishing community in helping maintain and grow the sport through a number of aims and objectives
The National Angling Strategy, ‘Angling for Good’ was launched in June 2019. It is a partnership-led strategy that was developed by consultation with the angling community key partners, angling charities and other interested organisations and using feedback from the National Angling Survey in which over 35,000 people took part.
The aims of the National Angling Strategy are to:
1. Increase participation in angling
2. Connect more people to nature through angling for their well-being and to improve the environment.
3. Increase the economic impact of angling and in particular deliver economic benefits in rural and coastal communities and revenue to clubs, fisheries and businesses.
The 2022/23 report highlights a number of areas where angling organisations, more often than not working in partnership, are making a real difference to encourage people to keep fishing and attract new audiences to the sport.
You can read the report below