Voting on Changes to IFM Rules

Dear IFM Member, 

You have been provided with a consultation pack to explain the proposed changes to IFM Rules.  This page provides you with your opportunity to comment and vote on those changes.

You can download the whole consultation pack below if needed

Each section of the pack is available as individual sections below

These are important changes for the Institute that affect you as a member, so you are strongly encouraged to consider these proposals and make your vote count.

These changes have been considered carefully by the IFM’s Executive Committee and Council and are presented to you with their recommendation.

You can either:

  • Complete the word document below and either email it to us, or print and post 


  • Complete this on-line form

There are 4 Items to vote on:

  1. New Constitution, as we become a Charity
  2. New Governance structure
  3. New Membership categories
  4. Updated Rules