IFM Writes to the New Fishery Ministers

Following the general election the Institute has written to each of the Fishery Ministers in each of the new governments in the UK, as well as the minister in Ireland, to welcome them to their new roles and to bring to their attention to what we feel are the key fisheries issues that need to be addressed during this parliament. These were highlighted in our recent Position Statement on the General Election and are set out below

• The shocking decline in many of our fish populations. Some such as the Atlantic salmon are heading towards extinction.

• The need for Government to urgently scale up investment and commitment to protect and restore healthy rivers, lakes and wetlands.

• The considerable societal benefits of improving our water environment which will not only reverse nature loss including our vanishing freshwater and migratory fishes but will also enhance water and food security and accelerate climate action.

The letters can be read below

Following submission of the letters we received a response from each of the Ministers which included the letter below from Mairi Gougeon, the Fishery Minister for Scotland