Dr Nigel Milner is the Institute representative on the NASCO NGO Group.
This report describes key events and outcomes of the 38th Annual Meeting of NASCO in 2021 as seen through the Non-Governmental Group (NGO) Group through which the IFM has a formal observer representation. This is the first year that the UK has been a separate party to NASCO having been, pre-Brexit, part of the EU delegation.As in 2020 the constraints imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic meant that NASCO’s annual meeting and related business had to be through virtual meetings, which proved problematic at times although the business was completed.
As usual in this report reference is made to reports that are available on the NASCO website. The meetings schedule is in CNL(21)05 and a summary of all the business is in CNL(21)62.
Various matters were dealt with by inter-sessional correspondence and sub-meetings; but this report outlines points from the following events.
(i) 5/5/2021. Webinar on the Evaluation of Implementation Plans under the Third Reporting Cycle (2019-2024
(ii) 26/5/2021. Meeting of the International Atlantic Salmon Research Board (I)
(iii) 27/5/2021. Theme-based Special Session: Minimising Impacts of Salmon farming on Wild Atlantic Salmon: Supporting Meaningful and More Rapid ProgressTowards Achievement of the International Goals for Sea Lice and Containment.
(iv) 28/5/2021. Meeting IASRB (II)(v) 31/5/21. Meeting of NASCO Council
(vi) 1/6/2021. Meeting of North-East Atlantic Commission (I)(vii) 2/6/2021. Meeting of North-East Atlantic Commission (II)
(viii) 3/6/2021. Special Session of the Council: Evaluation of Annual Progress Reportsunder the 2019-2024 Implementation Plans.
The report can be read below