Next start date: March 10th
Join the IFM Scottish Branch as we host two speakers giving talks on how we might be affected by climate change. The talks will be hosted via zoom, beginning at 6pm on Wednesday the 10thof March at 6pm. Please register at least 24 hours prior to receive a web link!
Warming waters: climate change impacts on Scottish freshwater biology
Our Fist speaker is Roger Owen, who will give us a talk about the effect of a warming climate on Scottish Freshwater Biology. Predicted temperature rises and increasing floods and droughts in the next few decades are very likely to lead to some severe consequences for our freshwater biology. What are these impacts and can anything be done to mitigate them?
Parasites and the risks to fisheries - a southern perspective.
Our second speaker is Ian Welby, who has more than 25 years of experience in all aspects of fisheries management, including environmental management. Ian will describe a series of parasites that are considered to represent a significant threat to freshwater fisheries in England. Given the changing Climate the talk will look at how these parasites might make the journey North and potentially threaten Scottish Fisheries.
Membership is open to anyone with an interest in fish and fisheries, their proper management and conservation. Benefits include training and qualification opportunities, events, publications, CPD, the Chartered Environmentalist qualification (C.Env), member discounts and more......
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