Next start date: November 21st

RS Aqua Workshop

Connecting the UK & Irish Fish Tracking Community

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Event details

21 November 2023

Port Solent,
Marina Keep,

Course fees

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Units covered

Registration is through Eventbrite on this link 

RS Aqua are hosting their first Fish Tracking Conference taking place this November, powered
by Innovasea.

The aim is to connect the UK and Irish acoustic telemetry community, to showcase new and
innovative technology, and to ultimately enable a better understanding of fish behaviour in our

The conference takes place on Wednesday 22nd November at Port Solent, Portsmouth. It will
feature key speakers who are leading research projects around our coastline, with new
technology updates and workshops from Innovasea. There are additional optional
demonstrations and workshops from RS Aqua and Innovasea on the Tuesday afternoon (21st)
and Thursday morning (23rd).

Tuesday 21st of November – Afternoon/Evening (Optional)

  • RS Aqua robotics demonstration
  • Informal drinks

Wednesday 22nd of November - Conference

  • RS Aqua: Introduction to the community (with Martin Stemp, Ryan Mowat and Phoebe Chadwick)
  • Regional researcher talks:

-> South Coast UK: Tom Stamp, Plymouth Uni (15 mins)

-> East Coast UK: Jamie Dodd, Hull Uni (15 mins)

-> Michael Williamson, Institute of Zoology (15 mins)

-> Question Panel for all researchers (15 mins)

  • Tea/Coffee break
  • Innovasea talk: NexTrak, New Products, Community Support, and Open Protocol compatibility
  • Lunch Buffet
  • Interactive Fathom workshop
  • RS Aqua: Closing comments
  • Conference dinner

Thursday 23rd of November – Morning (Optional)

  • Interactive Workshops

-> Innovasea workshop: Getting more out of your acoustic telemetry, inc. study design, range testing, deployment tips and data management.

->RS Aqua workshop: Acoustic Release Canister (ARC) Masterclass - tips and tricks.




Registration is through Eventbrite on this link 

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